Monday, May 24, 2010

Chemo: Round 6 of 6!

Today was Tommy Boy's 6th and last chemo infusion! Whooo hoooo! He will continue with the chemo pill that goes along with it for the next 3 weeks... and then we will do another PET scan to check again where we are at and then determine where to go from there. We will meet with Dr. Ko at UCSF on June 16th to cover the PET results and have him weigh in on where we go. (Either just wait for 3 months (with no meds) and scan again to make sure non of the cancer has come back, or continue with the chemo pill every other week kind of indefinitely.) So we will see what happens next. But this is an exciting milestone to reach! And I know my dad is glad to finally be on the other side of all of this.

I went down and brought lunch to eat with my dad today in the chemo lounge... that was a first for me. I am glad I got to go check it out and see what he has been doing regularly since October! He got the corner seat he likes, so that was good... and we enjoyed a little Panda Express together :) It was kinda fun. I was glad it wasn't too crowded... there were only 2 or three other patients in there so I didn't feel like I was in the way.

Let's see... what else? My dad has been keeping busy despite the fatigue that comes along with the chemo pill. He got another chunk of melanoma (maybe pre-melanoma?) excised off his back... so his body was working hard to heal him after that mini little surgery. And then he jacked his back up rafting right before that, so his poor back was giving him a heck of a time... PLUS his white blood cell count was super low, so he was having to go in and get shots for a few days to get those numbers back up. So all of those things combined definitely made for one tired Tommy Boy-- but you wouldn't know it from him. He is still go-go-go and does everything he can to get things done he wants to get done. He does not do well with sitting around and "resting"-- but he did for a couple of days, so that was good. Sounds like he is on the mend in all of those aspects-- so hopefully this will be a good few weeks for him. Keep your fingers crossed.

Please continue with the prayers, love and support. I know that it is our 7:00a & 7:00p warrior healing times that are making Tommy Boy Kick Cancer's Ass... so please keep it up! We are forever grateful!

Will keep you all posted... stay tuned!


P.S. I forgot to mention that my dad and Renee had a BLAST on their dive trip. My dad was feeling like a million bucks (other than being cold) and did a ton (TON!) of dives. You can red the comment Renee left in the last blog. It sounded like the trip was perfect and they are looking into planning another one soon!

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